Linus and Lucy. #GetDown

Dr. Meat and Cheese

So long Walrus Brimley...

Snow Warrior 

Bucket Duckets

Based on how many people said hello to me yesterday, you may have been informed via the Facebook, I’m now 29 and one day old. I’m not terrified of 30, since it is my golden birthday and I can bling out for it. That said, there are some things I need to accomplish. I don’t necessarily need to do so in the next year, but consideration should be made before my bones are brittle and I need to drink special milk. Feel free to read this Bucket List in Morgan Freeman’s soothing, granddaughter-dating voice. Get busy livin’ time.

  • Make a bucket list
  • Skydive
  • Learn to snowboard, or snowboard a few times and learn that I hate it
  • Go paintballing
  • Go back to Europe (westside or get deeper into the eastern block)
  • Get a “big boy job” (this should maybe be at the top, cause it helps fund everything else)
  • Eat oysters (I just never have)
  • Get someone to plan a 30th birthday party for you (planning shit can be hard/annoying, just ask the Chaus)
  • Get back into Beer Brewing/make a name for it to encourage Andy and I to take it seriously
  • Go to a European or Southern American Futbol match (that shit cray)
  • Go to a Nascar event. Seriously, I’m really curious as to why so many people are in love with it
  • Go to SXWS
  • White water rafting
  • Scuba dive
  • Write a script
  • Develop an improv show

What I got right now. I’ll let you know if it expands or when things get knocked off.

Later babes. 

Bane Be Like